Projects: Web
Sometimes I'll get ideas for websites I can make. Sometimes I'll actually make them.
SciOlyID is a group of services for practicing Science Olympiad specimen identification.
This is the site you're on right now!
Duosmium Results is a Science Olympiad tournaments results archive that I've contributed to.
A project to monitor temperature/air quality in my room over time.
A site commissioned for the 2023 CVHS Senior Assassins game.
A project to control LEDs in my room over WiFi. is a little URL shortener, built with Cloudflare Workers. is a utility site I built for tools I've always wanted but couldn't find.
notion-ics is an simple SvelteKit-based site that generates an ICS calendar from a Notion database.
Twemoji Explorer is a website I created to improve my Twemoji usage workflow.
Cancel Culture is a joke website where you can cancel various things.
Capital Fish is an incremental game inspired by Cookie Clicker. is a joke website about meth. is a joke website I made as part of a video ad for a friend's birthday.
Scriscord is a Scratch 3.0 extension enabling Discord API access. is a joke website I made to rickroll people. was my first dive into web "design"/server management.